News — ChangeLab

ChangeLab at the 2023 MENA Bank to Bank Forum

On March 13, Yulia Svetlichnaya, on behalf of the ChangeLab team, took part in the 2023 BAFT (Association of Banks in Finance and Trade) MENA Bank to Bank Forum, which took place in Dubai.

The 2023 MENA Bank to Bank Forum is a unique opportunity to discuss pressing industry issues with a regional focus, as well as exchange views and network with senior banking, trading, industry experts and other leaders from regions as wide as the Middle East and North Africa.
“Understanding the macro environment in the MENA region, the challenges and recent results of the digital banking industry, issues related to ESG, as well as getting to know the views of the world’s leading leaders in the banking sector are the reasons why MENA BAFT 2023 Bank to Bank Forum is a must-attend event "
— Julia shared.
2023-03-13 15:00 Business